Sunday, March 28, 2010

Restorative Yoga

This weekend and last I completed a 20 hour restorative yoga teacher training course at Sun and Moon. What is restorative yoga, and how is it different than regular yoga? First, in restorative yoga you don’t use any muscular energy. That’s right, no sweating and no straining! Second, you remain in comfortable positions, supported by cozy props, for much longer than in active yoga. In other words, you relax! This type of yoga is wonderful to help manage the stress that accompanies a modern world. Ironically, if we take time to relax (and restore) our bodies, the more active and alert we become. I don’t have intentions to teach, I mainly wanted to learn this yoga to complement for my own practice. (And, I’m hoping to help my husband find a way to gently stretch and relax). Regardless of whether or not you have an interest in active yoga, I encourage you give restorative a try.
Me relaxing with legs on the wall.
A chain of supported relaxation.

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