Tuesday, March 2, 2010

More Fun in the Philippines

What we've been up to:
Rounds on the chip and putt 6 hole golf course. Roo is enjoying the chance to swing an iron and is thrilled when his ball catches some air.
Drinks and
play by the pool. Roo has made progress with his swimming. He has been practicing holding his breath, putting his face in, and floating. Oh yes, and squirting Daddy.
And, if you can tolerate the excessively loud music and polar temps, the race car in the game room. Honestly, I'm not sure I've seen Roo as pumped as he was after playing this game. We played tonight, and I'm certain he'll still be talking about it in the morning!
The Filipino people here are so friendly. And happy. In fact, so much so that they have me pondering their secret. Is it the tropical weather? The breeze? The sun? The juicy mangoes? Riding in a jeepney? Their Catholic faith? Regardless of the reason, the rarely missed positive greeting or expression makes one feel like a welcome guest!

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