Thursday, March 5, 2009

Flu bug bites Big Bugs

Roo’s been home from school the last couple of days because of a fever. The all school health alert read , “the cases have been restricted to one class, the Big Bugs, where a number of the kids have become ill”. Yep, Roo’s a Big Bug. Apparently this widespread strain of influenza is quite virulent and even after the symptom of high fever ceases for a day, the following day it resurfaces. Therefore, we’ve been advised to stay home for at least five days. My tasks toggle between that of snuggler, masseuse, and boredom buster. It’s days like these where I dig into my supply of yet to be opened books, toys, dvds and kits. Yesterday we experimented with a contraption abbreviated as R.O.M.P., random oscillating magnetic pendulum. The magnetism was mesmerizing and the activity calming. Reasonably priced entertainment from Home Science Tools.

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