Saturday, February 21, 2009

Business trip to Shanghai

Last week Ryan took a two night business trip to Shanghai. The flight is three hours and the time difference only one hour. A relatively short distance to a different world. In Japan we’re spoiled with cleanliness and safety. The view from the office spoke volumes of the transformation underway in this historic port city. On one side modern skyscrapers with architectonic gardens, the other side, shanties. While he enjoyed most of the food, he did manage to steer clear of the duck tongue. His hotel room on the 51st floor of one of the modern hotels provided a constant reminder of the ever present smog. It and a lack of sunshine made the trip a little dreary, but nonetheless interesting.
Modern buildings,
next to shanties.

1 comment:

CzaMama said...

It's really amazing, isn't it? I have a picture of when we were in Guangzhou walking though a market surrounded by very dilapidated apartments. There was a view through the apartments to a gigantic, brand new, spotless hotel. The dichotomy of it was astounding.