Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Writing from School

We've been given Roo's folder of work completed at school. Here are a few that I find enduring:
"Once upon a time there was a dog called resincr [racing car].
He lived in a lovely soprsonic jet [supersonic jet].
He liked to eat lots of bons [bones].
But he was very sad, he never saw enewun [saw anyone].
He had a big FedR [feather] stuck in his throat.
Then one day he met a dinosaur.
He was so funny that he started to laf [laugh].
He lafd [laughed] so much that the FedR [feather] came out.
He was so happy he jump the dinosaur."

Here's one I'm sure his grandparents will enjoy:
"My favorite thing about summer is gowin two my granpa and grama."

And naturally, this one is my favorite:
" I like my mother because I like hugs."

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