Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Soon, we’ll be out of pants for Roo. I’ll need to do some stitching because almost all have ripped knees. It seems to happen with little warning. Like today. When he dressed in the morning his jeans were in tact. As we’re walking away from the house to go to a friends for a play date, I look down and notice his knee is ripped open. That means it happened in the carpeted apartment. How? Last week one day I picked him up from school and noticed his bony knee sticking out of his rough and tough cargo pants. He’s into sliding, jumping, “landing like a ninja” and the ever popular “falling down game” . I don’t make a big deal of it. I want him to play and try out new moves with his body and build confidence. I’m just not sure what I’m going to do in the summer when steamy weather hits Tokyo. At this rate, shorts feel reckless. Knee pads? Arnica gel? Carry bacitracin and bandaids everywhere? Dorky knee socks? Any suggestions?
Today's feature, photos from our play date....
Title: Boy with scuffed knees and Girl on swings
Title: Boy with scuffed knees and Girl, on rock, catching tadpoles

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel. I try not to worry about Kenji ruining clothes, but now that he has a younger brother destined for hand-me-downs, I find myself paying a bit more attention. They do sell reinforcement pads that you can sew right into the pants. Are you crafty? In terms of shorts, ugh. I think you're going to need band-aids and neosporin. As they say, maybe he'll live and learn...