Monday, April 6, 2009

Country Lunch

Last week Roo’s class had a “country packed lunch” day. Each child brought from home a bento filled with foods typically eaten in their country of nationality. In addition, each made his or her flag. The children discovered their class represents fourteen countries! While they didn’t get to picnic at the park and instead opted for the school to avoid strong wind gusts, they did parade around the neighborhood carrying their flags. It was tough to determine what food to pack for Roo because 1.) he’s picky, 2.) you can’t send peanut butter to school and 3.) cheese pizza doesn’t travel appetizingly in a lunch box. He ended up bringing a plain butter only sandwich, fries, and applesauce.


Anonymous said...

I love it--dairy, potatoes, and apples--he's totally represented the mid-west, no?

Darla said...

And wheat! Very midwestern.