Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Machiko Ozawa

Today I attended a CWAJ luncheon which included a recital by violinist Machiko Ozawa, accompanied by Li-Ling Wang on the cello. She played classical pieces by Bach, Handel and Gershwin as well as her own compositions that are modern and improvisational. Her duet album with Justin Hines titled Vertical Voyage is available on iTunes. I enjoyed her music and found her sound energizing and devoid of the unwelcome tension I often feel when listening to classical music. If you’d like to add freshness to your musical collection, this would be a good choice. For a fun sample of her sound visit this LINK and under the play list select Havana Murder Mystery.

At the luncheon I was sitting next to a Japanese woman that is likely from the generation before my dad. I found her interesting. In conversation it became obvious that she’s lived a full life. By far, she knew more about Minnesota than any foreign person I’ve met. She knew of Macalaster College and the fact that many people with Scandinavian heritage who eat herring reside there. She could tell my last name was Norwegian. She mentioned Lake Minnetonka and knew the Dakota meaning “Big Waters”. She knew that 3M and Cargill are headquartered there. I never meet people that know of Cargill (where I worked for 13 years), let alone bring it up in conversation! The most revealing comment she made that confirms her knowledge of the state was about how much coffee people drink. “They sip it all day long”! This proves she definitely understands Minnesota!

Photo of the Day: Roo enjoying a chocolate donut.

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