Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tamarokuto Science Center

Thursday's field trip to the Tamarokuto Science Center wasn't as exhausting as past school trips. The layout of the center and the lack of a crowd minimized the stress associated with the potential risk of loosing sight of your child. The rooms are plenty open and almost everything is hands on, which goes over well will five year olds.

Strategically, I purposely dressed Roo in orange so I could spot him easily. Of course the yellow vest helps, too.
The challenge of this toy is arranging the exists just right so the marble flows through to the end.
In the human anatomy room, when the rider pedals the bike, leg bones appear!
Not so interested in Mom, after lunch Roo stayed close to his teacher Kevin, who has been elevated to the level of celebrity status in our home.
A close up of the group photo.
Cool, what's inside?

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