Saturday, November 28, 2009


The mesclun is growing! Yearning for that fresh from the garden taste, I decided to give container gardening a go. I was waiting for cooler weather to start this project, although not quite this cool. I should have planted the seeds in October for a November harvest, but what can I say, I got busy. Better late than never. Relieved and a bit surprised they germinated, now I focus on protecting these delicate plants until they reach four inches high. Mesclun, described as a mixture of baby salad greens, is well suited for container gardening, requiring only 3 inches of soil to grow. The lettuces and brassicas that make up the mesclun mix are a fan of cool-weather. In addition to achieving freshness, I'm hoping to avoid the high priced highly preserved bagged varieties available in the supermarket. If this works, I may expand my "garden" in the spring with a few cherry tomato, herb, or bean plants.