The other day, perched in the little red car barber seat, Roo announced “mommy, I wish I was a super hero”. His tone was so earnest that I felt sad for him as I explained that he can “play” superhero even if he’s technically not one. This Halloween he will be wearing either a Power Ranger suit, a Transformer suit, or a Superman outfit. Last year he wore Thomas the Tank Engine. I keep catching myself thinking “wow, in one year we went from Thomas to Transformer”. He’s into anything superhero-ish and is very intrigued by swords. One of his favorite cartoons currently is Super Why on PBS. He likes to sing “Super Why, he’s our guy, that Super Why…”. Ah yes, singing. He loves to sing and is constantly singing. The taxi driver was entertained for the complete 5 minute ride home with a serenade in French the other day. Yes, French. This month’s theme at school is France and good food. Roo can explain that the Eiffel tower is in France and “it’s very, very old”. The other day on the walk home from school he told me about a place that’s in his “imagination”. It’s called Robot land and it’s bigger than France, Japan, Russia, China and Minneapolis. Robot land is full of “biggest robots”. He likes to announce that he’s going to use his “imagination” or that he has “an idea” or that he has a “plan”. He’s enjoying his friends at school and this year is markedly different in that he talks more about the other children than he talks about his teachers.
Roo has been taking tennis class once a week but tells me it’s “boring”. This word, boring, enters his vocabulary quite a lot lately. For example, the other night he told me one of the books I picked out is boring. The news I like to watch is boring. Another habit he’s picked up since school started is that he wipes off his kisses! This, all the talk about superheroes, transformers, swords, and boring make me think he’s growing up too fast. I’m thankful for the moments when I’m reminded that he’s still small, like cuddling his puppy or taking hold of my hand to cross the street.