Friday, December 17, 2010

Gingerbread House

As an adult I'm somewhat bothered by the Grimm elements in the classic German fairy tale Hansel & Gretel such as famine, parental abandonment, and a cannibalistic woman, to name a few. As a child I remember enjoying the story. I contribute this to the one image that remains in my head, the fabulous gingerbread house the evil woman has constructed to lure the hungry Hansel and Gretel into her lair. My mind recalls images of abundant color, sensual sweetness, and sheltered warmth amongst the wet, damp cold of snow. I can't remember ever seeing an actual gingerbread house (graham cracker, yes, gingerbread, no), and I've never succumbed to the temptation of the DIY home kits available everywhere this time of year. Needless to say, when I saw the real deal at Cafe Beethoven last week I couldn't resist returning this week to add yet more confection to the collection to enjoy this holiday season.

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