Monday, September 20, 2010

Affordable Sweet Corn

Aaaahhh...affordable sweet corn! One of the joys of an American summer. Roo's favorite vegetable was expensive in Tokyo. I don't think I ever saw it in our neighborhood shops priced below $4.99 PER ear. Today's price at Whole Foods in town, 5 ears for $2 (172 Yen)! I have noticed that other common vegetables seem more expensive here; potatoes, carrots, yellow onions. And of course, daikon and cabbage (of which I have not purchased yet) are considerably pricier. Once I finally get my hands on Japanese goma dressing, I'm sure I'll feel the urge to purchase cabbage, and I'll need to figure out how to shred the cabbage Tokyo style, long delicate threads that remain lightly crunchy. Advice or a link to an "how to" video from readers would be much appreciated.


Anonymous said...

Hello from Tokyo

Here's the link to cutting cabbage movie. It's quite long but it's the very right way.
After you cutting cabbage, put it into cold water.
Please try and enjoy.


Darla said...

Arigatou Mana san!